Wednesday, June 11

How I Try and Be A Good Coach

If you've read my blog you know I am no stranger to training programs. I just love em and I am the point where I can volunteer and be a Coach. Before I started helping out I really though about what made "great" coaches great and here are my thoughts on how to be a good running Coach:
I try and keep a mindful eye that no one is running alone. Personally, my least favorite program I ever ran was one where the Coaches treated it as THEIR run. Mm mm. This isn't my nor any other Coaches run. I walk, I jog I do whatever it is the group or individual around me does because that is what you do to support and encourage other runners. You don't leave them in your dust and try to break any records sorry, but your an asshole if you do. (IMO)

I don't push anyone. I believe in listening to your body. I believe if you can't talk you need to slow down. I don't push people to meet a goal because "it's only a mile" or something like that. I let the individual set the pace. It's their goal, their run. I am there for encouragement not to come down on them like a boot camp coach.

Second, I try and read the runners. I'm a talker especially when running I could talk you ass off for hours but I try and gauge the runner to see if they want to talk or not. So far almost everyone wants to talk or at least they eagerly listen. Why do I do this? I remember running solo before, out of breath, dreading the remainder of the run and having someone talk really helped me get my mind off what lied ahead and it pepped me up. It also allows the individual time to ask for tips or tricks of they want. I get more questions while running then before or after the run.

Third, I celebrate milestones. Yes, if Jo Bob ran up that huge hill and couldn't last month then he deserves a little holla. I try and remember what it felt like when I made such accomplishments and how special they were to me. I try and recognize every step that the runner took to make that accomplishment or goal.

My first time running double digits- just a little excited

I suppose Coaching has some drawbacks. You give up your Saturday mornings and you don't get your own "long run in" but there is just something about working with other runners. They make me want to want to be the best and give them the best. What else can I say?
“As we work to create light for others, we naturally light our own way.” 


  1. I like your outlook on coaching but I prefer it if my coach pushes me just because sometimes I know I'm being a bit of a baby/lazy and I can clearly do something but am not. Those are the times I need that kick in the butt!

  2. I hear ya. That is also why I think its important to really gauge the person your working with.

  3. You make a lot of good points about how important it is for coaching to be individualized for the runner.
