Tuesday, August 13

Walt Disney World Marathon Weekend- Half Marathon Part II

The Bad

The Shoes
For the half I purchased a new pair of shoes. I never wore Asics before but they had a nice bounce to them and were suppose to help with my shin splints. The problem with them was they were too narrow. Although professionally sized this was not something the shoe guy nor I noticed till after the fact. My feet are very narrow then get really wide. Well, once I walked around in them you could actually see where the side of my foot was hanging over the shoe. Of course this problem wasn't to noticalbe when I wore them for an hour or two every other day but when I was on my feet for 6 hours plus there were some problems...
After two days of smooshed feet I got blisters, bad.

I have decided to not post the foot photos as I don't want them up on some fetish site or something weird. Anyway, I literally had a blister on both pinky toes that raised up over an inch followed by several other small blisters. They were unbelievable. I mean it when I say that.

 By day three it pained me to walk. We ended up buying moleskin and soaked my feet each night but it didn't really help. They were there and there wasn't anything I could do.

The Expo
The expo was straight up cray. We took a shuttle to it and we literally sat in traffic for an hour. I want to say our hotel was ten miles from the expo if that gives you an idea of the madness. The half marathon and marathon were combined in to one at the expo. I think that was a big mistake. They just couldn't handle that many people.

Registration and bibb pick up was located on the opposite side of the property where the actual expo was held. Bibb pick up wasn't bad but the expo...it was packed. The swag bags were all the way in the back. You couldn't even stop and look at the vendors tables because there were so many people.

 We spent at least 4 hours at the expo just getting there and picking up my bibb. I felt like the day was a wash and we went around noon on Friday.
My recommendation go early in the morning, go Thursday if you can!


  1. Its a great race I have two more posts about it. I highly recommend it for first timers!!!
