Thursday, August 15

Walt Disney World Marathon Weekend- Half Marathon Part III

Race Day

The race started at 5:30am. We were several miles from the start line and the shuttles were going to leave the hotel from 3:30-5.
After running several races I saw no reason to get to the course early and just stand around. So you can imagine my surprise when I strolled up to the bus at 4:45 and no on was standing outside with me. I knocked on the bus's door and asked the driver what was going on and where the other runners were. She looked at me with worry, and said she thought I was going to miss the race because the cops were already closing down the roads.
Now this is my own fault as I assumed the last bus left at 5 where it was more like the party ended at 5. 
I sat there on the bus with my husband alone. I wont lie I was really nervous our entire trip was centered around the race and I would just die (being dramatic of course) if we missed it because of my silly assumption. I asked, not sarcastically but in all seriousness how far we were from the start and how to get there because I would just run there. Ha. I think the bus driver felt bad for me and few minutes later she said lets go. So we road  in a coach bus just the two of us and what do you know, as we were pulling up they were barricading the roads. The driver kindly opened her window to let the police know she had the last of the runners and they let us through. woah...
The walk from the bus to the course was about a mile. It wasn't bad.
I literally walked right up to the corral and not even two minutes later began the race.
Walt Disney World Half Marathon

The Atmosphere
Disney made the start for each corral a really big deal with a count down and fireworks. I definitely wasn't expecting such a great send off.
You started on a road that took you through the park's gates. For some reason I found this really exciting. I suppose I reminisced about all the times I drove through there as a child with my parents. Being that it was 6am it was still really dark and the entrance just glowed angelically.

You ran along the main road to the park for awhile and looped on the Main Street USA where the streets were packed with spectators. As the holiday season just ended all of the Christmas lights were still up and everything was gorgeous. After taking in the crowd and main street USA you headed straight for the castle then took a slight right and looped around to go through the castle.
Lots of hooting and hollering as you ran through Cinderella's Castle. It was pretty exciting again, I though of alllllll the times I went there with my family and who would have thought I would be running a half marathon through it.

Right after you ran through the castle you could veer left and take photos in front of the castle. There was maybe six photographers and they were fast. Strike a pose and go on your merry way.

You finished running through the Magic Kingdom then headed towards epcot. You were back on the road but that was fine since there was none stop entertainment from marching bands, to characters so there was always something to look at and there was always music playing.

It was rather hard to decide to stop and take photos with some of the characters or just keep running. Literally, they had floats from the parades out with characters. In particular I remember a huge pirate ship with Jack Sparrow.

I decided to keep going but I was tempted!

One thing I read about before the race was you could use the parks bathrooms. I was thrilled when I heard this since I hate porta potties. I thought this was a definite perk! But even if they didn't have the park restrooms open they had porta potties everywhere and they had anti bacterial soap dispensers everywhere. I didn't see one line at any of the bathrooms which you just don't see at races! (impressive)

They also had aide stations around every two miles and we aren't talking about just water and Gatorade they had people holding tongue depressors with bio freeze, and had lounge chairs and tents for people that needed to sit.
Although I didn't use any of these amenities I think they were wonderful attributes and would make a first timers run really comfortable.
The Finish
You finished at Epcot and the end of the race did not disappoint. First off the food. They gave you a sweet box filled with cheese, crackers and protein. It was the bomb and hit the spot after the race. I also double fisted some Gatorade and water. No one was going to be leave hungry!
They also had an ice tent! How nice! I again, didn't use it but I thought that was a great thing to have for first timers that probably were already achy or over heated.
Then the medal. I originally thought it was hideous when I saw it online. But seriously its the bomb and its one my favorite medals.
Ok, the ribbon is really thick and its soooo blue, its really impressive in person! Also, notice how the medal is connected to the ribbon so it lays nice and flat on your chest or where ever you hang it post race. I have many medals that have some cheap circular hook that bounds them together and the ribbon never lays nicely on your chest. Another nice thing is the ribbons are connected by a thick piece of Velcro. I had no idea why at first but its so the volunteers can put the medal around your neck regardless if you are wearing a hat, huge mouse ears etc. Smart move huh?
I thought the race was wonderfully planned out. I think its an awesome race for any runner but particularly for first timers. I would totally run this bad boy again!
Walt Disney World Half Marathon
Have you ever ran a Disney race?


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