Wednesday, August 21

DIY Almond Milk

As you know I have been trying to change my diet up lately. Basically, if I don't know what an ingredient is on a label I don't by it, its that simple. With that I have also veered away from dairy. Its just a personal choice.
My problem is I crave the delicious taste of milk.
I mean cookies and water just doesn't cut it so I decided to make my own milk, almond milk.
When I say this is easy I mean it.
I am a busy, busy person and I just don't have time slaving away in the kitchen but this recipe met my standards.
What you need:
1 cup of raw almonds
cheese cloth or a kitchen towel
What to do:
Take one cup of almonds and pour 2-3 cups of water over them. Add 1/2 tsp of sea salt this will help break down the inhibitors etc. (The salt is important)
Allow the almonds to soak for 12 hours.
After 12 hours drain your almonds.
Place your almonds in a blender and add 6 cups of water or whatever amount of liquid your blender permits. Leave some wiggle room in the blender. The mixture will foam up and you don't want it to over flow. Trust me ;)
Blend for several minutes allowing for a creamy texture.
Now get your cheese cloth and strain the milk from the pulp.
Really focus on aqueezing all the liquid out!
(Now, my cheese cloth didn't grab all the pulp so I had to strain several times.)
oh, and SAVE THE PULP put it aside!!!

Once strained your almond milk is complete! I told you it was easy!

If you wish to sweeten your almond milk try using vanilla, agave, or stevia.
Store your milk in the fridge for up to one week.
Now the pulp! Keep it! I will tell you how to make your own almond flour from it Friday!
Do you have any  recipes for household staples that are really easy to make?
This post is part of What I Ate Wednesdays hosted by Peas and Crayons


  1. Wow, you make this looks so easy! I just discovered almond milk this weekend, and it is so good! I might have to try making some myself!

  2. I promise its that easy!!! I've done many a pinterst fails and can promise you this wont be one of them!

  3. how much milk does this make? how smooth is it? i'm a tad apprehensive, but i'm really interested. i don't do dairy and my husband and i have been drinking almond milk for years, but if i can make it...

  4. One cup of nuts makes about 3 cups of milk. If you make just the milk I would stick to buying it however, cost wise if you make the flour and milk its a steal plus, there aren't any crazy additives in the milk.

  5. I was thinking about trying the almond flour but the cost per pound at whole foods makes me cringe. i may try this. thanks for making it so easy.
