Monday, August 19

A Restful Weekend

I didn't accomplish as much as I wanted to fitness wise this weekend. The past month has been crazy at work. I tend to workout harder during stressful, busy times and this week I needed a rest. Although it bothered me a little my husband and I came to the consensus that I didn't need to wake up at 5 to go run a 14 miler. In fact, my boss who knows all about my running told me he thought I deserved a day to sleep in! So I slept in till 7:30! A first in a long time.

It was so nice to just wake up naturally. I haven't done that in months! Then Sunday I woke up at 10!!! 10 o'clock people! I am usually up already for 5 hours plus! I felt so refreshed this weekend and I am so glad I took a break.

On Saturday husband and I went to our hardware store. He built a net to keep the mutt in while I'm working out in the garage. We love that little guy and we are always so afraid he will run out of the garage if he sees someone or another dog. We had built a hodge podge wall of lawn supply consisting of random boxes and electronics etc. to block Eddie but it looked bad... So husband build a net and we cleaned up the garage. That my friend felt so good too! My OCD side was getting a little erked by the messy looking garage.
I also did weights and worked on my core while husband did his manly thing and that felt great too.

Sunday was also relaxing. We went to the Dekalb Farmers market at noon and it was off the chain.  I don't think we will be going back there on a Sunday ever again. Either way it was awesome. We had lunch there and I tried ginger tofu, spinach lasagna, some type of pastry filled with lentils with a organic ginger drink. I don't think I've mentioned it but I've been getting some killer migraines lately which is totally new. I don't know what it was but once I ate that lunch the migraine magically went away.

When we got home I made some protein bars (recipe to come this week), I started soaking almonds to make my own almond milk and flour (recipe to come next week). After that I jogged 6 mile at a 10 minute pace on a 2 incline. I felt great but was dripping sweat. I went through 3 water bottles and was covered in salt post run. My body is having a really hard time adjusting to the heat. I think I may have to start taking salt tabs for short runs!

After the run I felt great, relaxed. Oh, here is a cute picture of me and my boy. As I am stretching he brought not one but two of his balls over to play. Man I love that mutt!!!!
After my jog we went on a family walk, and then we came home and I took a shower. For dinner we made paleo chicken nuggets. It was fun. I could totally see doing this with kids one day. It reminded me of when I lived at home and my family would all sit around the table making meatballs. They turned out pretty good although we used way to much coconut flour. I am not ready to share this recipe yet as it could be definitely better. But overall no complaints and it was something fun to make with the hubs.
Overall, it was such a nice restful weekend. But starting tomorrow it's back to the marathon training schedule!
What did you do this weekend?



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