Wednesday, August 7

Are You A Waver?

I came across a comical post in the Wall Street Journal today called
I suppose I say this with pride but yes I wave at just about every single person I jog by.
 Its my way of sharing the joy I feel while running. Ya know, shed a lil sunshine on someone else's day.
But what happens if you don't get a wave back? Has that ever happened to you? It has to me. If they made flat out eye contact and brushed me off I  may or may not mumble asshole to myself. But this is on a rare occasions. Most Georgia runners share the gesture or at least show recognition with a nod. I'm cool with nods.
Now bikers. Bikers are different. I feel like my relationship with them is one of a dog and a mail man.
Any time I seem to see one they snap BIKER ON THE LEFT and for gosh sake I know jackass that's why on the complete edge of the trail.
Annnnyway, that's my two cents and my experiences.
Do wave?
Do you nod?
Who do you think tends to be friendlier on the trails and roads? Bikers or runners?

1 comment:

  1. my friend recently blogged about getting a flat on her new bike and one person stopped to give her air and a few more stopped to see if she was ok. I think runners are friendly to runners and bikers to bikers
