Tuesday, April 8

Training Programs

I have been actively part of a running training program for over a year and a half.
I love them.
I love knowing there are other people with the same drive, and passion out there as me.
I love knowing there is a route planned out for me. Something new and different to see.
I love knowing I'm safe, and that I will be taken care of at these training runs.
I love that there is always something new to learn!

After 3 consecutive training programs I can say that  (most) of the Coaches were inspiring.
Especially when I first started training.
I had so many questions, I wanted to know all of their experiences, I wanted to know everything.
Plus, I lacked confidence as a chubby self conscious woman, hoping to run a half marathon.
And they helped... each step of the way!

I am lucky to say that I have been chosen to be an Atlanta Track Club In-training for the Peachtree Road Race Coach.

I truly can't wait.

I feel as though, I have been blessed by so many individuals in the running community and they helped contribute to my drive and passion and I only hope I can carry this on through my Coaching.

I cant wait to meet the runners, I cant wait to get out there with them I cant wait for what lies ahead.


  1. Ooh, fun! When and where are you getting certified by the RRCA (or do you not get certified to coach there)? I got certified a few years ago and I loved the program -- a good mix of science, medicine, and how to build training programs.

    1. No certification yet but I think that's next! I cant wait for the training program!
