Friday, March 28


I think training for any race is straining on yourself and your significant other. Add some life drama to the mix and you and your partner can feel suffocated pretty fast.
With our schedules and with training the Champ, Eddie and I just haven't had much time together.
Its been a bummer.
Literally, Ill get home from a training run and he is heading out to work, I'm going to work and he is heading home.
No, this isn't always the schedule.
But sometimes that's life.
There just isn't time.
And life just sucks, period.
Two days before the marathon I was exhausted and really, really down. I didn't want to do my last run. I just wanted to, I don't know go watch Teen Mom and play on my phone.
But Michael, I mean The Champ grabbed the dog's leash and my shoes and before you knew it I was out there jogging, The Champ following behind on his bike. Although we only did 3 miles, those 3 miles felt so great. We didn't talk about anything really.
We were all together.
Taking in the sun.
Taking in our surroundings.
Taking deep breathes. 
We were happy.
It was just what our little family needed.
To pause and left go.

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