Thursday, February 13

Marathon Training Week VI

Speed work was actually scheduled for last Saturday and not the 18 miler. I let out a huge sigh of relief when I heard this. Not that I'm going to build a ton of muscle in one week but I'm happy to have gotten a few more good, strong runs under my belt before "the big run".

So this is my 3rd training program I've taken part in and it's the first one to have incorporated speed work. In the past, when I independently incorporated speed work into my training I just ran as fast as I could for 100 or 400 meters. But it turns out there is a method to the madness. You don't actually sprint...

In fact, you are only suppose to run a minute faster then your marathon pace time. Our Coach set up three cones. One at the start, the second at 400 meters and the third at 800 meters. Since my goal time for the marathon is 5 hours that means I will be running an average pace of 11:27 minute miles. In terms of speed training my average pace for the day was 10:27.

The goal was to maintain my pace. So I needed to hit the 400 meter cone at 2:29 and the 800 by 5:18.
After the 800 meter you had about 200 feet before your started all over again. Your walking "rest period" was no more then 2 minutes. I ran with a tough bunch...we rested a whole minute before going at it again.

We timed ourselves and it took about two laps before found our grove and we reached our target pace. Those first 2 laps were tough. Luckily, everything loosened up after that.

We ran a total of 12 laps so around 6 miles. I was surprised that I was able to maintain that pace comfortably. But I did and I felt great after the run.

I don't even know why I thought sprinting until you were blue in the face was speed work. I suppose it is a type...but its not the most beneficial when training for a marathon and defiantly not as enjoyable as this method.

Race Menu/Reflections
Since we were running laps I didn't bring my handheld. I drank what they had on the course. (about two sips of water every two laps.)

I had salt face following the run. It wasn't horrible but when the Champ gave me a kiss it was enough where he made a comment about it. Time to bust at the stalk sticks even though it was in the low 40s.

My lower back pained me during the run. I have been incorporating strength exercises but they aren't doing to much this time. Its time to up my game. Right now I'm doing strength exercises about 2 times a week. I'm going to check with my Coach but I think I may up it.

Do you do speed work?
Has it helped in your training?


  1. 2-3 good quality full body weight workouts a week is all you need!

  2. I agree with Miranda. I wouldnt do more than 3 strength workouts in a week to hit your goal.

    I love speed training. I do it similar to you. I run an 800m circuit and then take a slow jog equal to 50% of my lap time.

    I think my speed training coupled with hill repeats has had the biggest effect on my running.

    Im glad you enjoyed it! Its very important to keep it fun.
