Friday, February 14

Friday Finds

Well, the weekend is almost upon us. Usually I'm ready for it but this week has been rather restful due to the ice storm! I spent the past 3 days cooped up in the house. But don't worry I made the most of it. I worked out every day, cooked, read ahhh it was relaxing.

But that whole rested feeling will go away when I wake up in the wee hours for "the big run." To tell the truth I'm nervous about this run. I have never had any timed goals for my marathons- I just wanted to finish. But this time, I have a timed goal and its giving me the jitters! Seriously, I've been questioning my abilities!  Luckily, I've gotten the jitters before (for different reasons) and know its just part of the journey.

I will tell you how the run goes on Monday! In the meantime, here are some funs sites to look at!

Looking to change your blog up? Design seeds has some cool color palates to inspire you.

Were you part of the "Fitness Cliff "on February 7th?

Want to know what your eating? Check out Karielyn, over at Healthy Family and Home as she breaks down the benefits of the most go-to foods for cooking in 5 fast facts.

The Champ bought me a juicer for Christmas and I've been just tossing in whatever ruffage I have in the fridge not knowing the benefits or lack there of. Luckily, I came across this juicing calculator. It allows you find out the nutrients, calories and all that good stuff. It also allows you to switch over and see the difference between juiced and raw. Love.

I came across this chick, Julie Lee awhile back when she was just taking photos of random food as art. But now she is taking pictures of seasonal produce each month over at Free the People's blog. I so have a new appreciation for her work! Especially since I have no idea what is in season or not. My new go to before shopping. Be sure to check it out here!

1 comment:

  1. I've never tried juicing, but I hear great things about it.
