Friday, November 15

"OK, You're a Runner. Get Over it." Examined

I saw this article on facebook this past week about the infamous 13.1 and 26.2 stickers. The title of the aricle is OK, You're a Runner. Get Over it. It was a really interesting perspective from a none runners point of view.  He writes:

I have a theory. There is no more visible form of strenuous exercise than running. When runners are dashing down a street in the middle of town or through a subdivision, they know that every driver, every pedestrian, every leaf-raker and every person idly staring out a window can see them.

Now for me, its running isn't about getting seen. Its about seeing things. Its about me, relaxing, taking in what is around me.

OK, I know, this isn't the case for all runners. Many of my friends who regularly run have done so for years, decades before there was a thing called social media to put humanity's self-absorption in overdrive.

I personally hate to think I'm a self absorbed but I wont ever lie and I am not one bit ashamed of posting my accomplishments. After all, I had someone flat out tell me this time last year I would NEVER run a marathon because I was to heavy. Yep, that was said right to my face. If it wasn't for daily mile, blogs and meet ups...I might just have listened to that bull. But instead my passion was fueled by other peoples stories. Sometimes you'll find support from people you didn't even know were out there and maybe your story will inspire someone else.

These folks also tend to be infatuated with fitness anyway. If they're not out on the streets showing the sedentary world how it's done, they're at the gym or in a spinning class.

I never try to push someone into running. For instance, The Champ will n.e.v.e.r. be a runner. He will play world of warcraft and reads for fun and to relax. That's how he rolls and that's fine.

Yes, that's a screen shot from World of Warcraft where my husband beat the Lynch King and yes 3 years later its still on his facebook...

Now if you were to tell me that you would love to run but could never do that well, yeah, duh, I'll cheer you on, I'll tell you that you can do it. But I wont push my mantra on you.

This "equipment," of course, is nothing but shoes and clothes. You can buy these same shoes at a sporting-goods store or online, probably for much less.

I once thought the same thing until I started getting shin splints, salt face and under boob chafe. Proper gear is kind of a must, for me at least. This one kinda made me giggle. My first thought was, I would like to see the author run in a white cotton shirt for a few miles without chafing cream and see if he changes his mind ;)

But in all honesty, this article didn't hurt my feelings. I found it...interesting.

What are your thoughts?
Are the infamous running stickers self absorbed? Or...are they a badge of honor?


  1. Wow, what is that guy's problem?? I love to run and like you I do like to talk about my accomplishments but I don't think that makes me self-absorbed. I don't care who sees me when I run or what they think I just care about getting a good run in and how that makes me feel. And I have a tendency to go over on the side of my feet so if I hadn't gone to a proper running store and got shoes that gave me the necessary support, I could've had a serious injury by now. And yes I'd like to see him run without chafing cream! ;-)

  2. :) lol. like I said it was interesting.

  3. I think it's totally great to talk about your passions. The only time I'd say to back off would be if you ALWAYS talking about JUST running. That doesn't make you braggy, that just makes you boring. There has to be more to your life than running. Talk about a cool restaurant you went to, or a movie you liked, or your kids/dog/etc. since there are many people who don't get the fascination with running and would rather talk about something that also interests them.

  4. I talk about my dog just as much as running. TG i'm not boring.... ;)
