Sunday, August 11

Marathon Training Week 5...I think

Typically, I wake up pumped and ready for a long run but yesterday just sucked. First, let me tell you always lay your clothes out the night before! This is something I have always done as I find it super helpful when you are waking up at 5 in the morning so you don't have to run around. Well, my bad! I didn't and guess what I couldn't find my sports bra! Ugh, I have three reallllly crappy ones that are NOT meant for long runs and one really, really good one (more expensive then Victoria's secret). I went through the dirty laundry, I went through the clean laundry and dressers and nothing. I was freaking out since we were running 14 miles and sorry, I just didn't want to be bouncing all over the place plus I figured it would hurt my back. I kind of panicked. I ended up going with this crappy tank top I only wore once or twice before from Target that had a built in. I don't know what it is about the tank top but I just don't feel comfortable in it. I don't know about you but when I run I want to feel comfortable and look comfortable. This shirt didn't meet the criteria for either but in desperate times you gotta do what you gotta do.
I wasted a lot of time searching for the damn bra and I was a little late meeting the Bird for our carpool. Shes a champ but I could tell she was a little frustrated. Luckily, we got there in time and all was well.
The course was 14 miles long and I wasn't really to worried about it after all I already ran a marathon, ha. Well, lol at me I was wrong. It was a tough run. Prior to my run I took a salt stick. I brought along 2 more salt sticks, a gu, and stashed them in my nathans waist pack. At every aide station  with two being really close together at the start I topped my bottles off. Honestly, I wish there was one more water stop. By the time you made it to the third you were already on empty. Anyway, I started to crash early so I took my gu and a salt tab around mile 6. I felt better for a little while then I just felt drained. I wasn't sore just drained like I could feel everything just drop. So I took another salt stick. (this is not the norm for me but I needed something and I was hoping this would be it.) I suppose it helped. But let me tell you I was not miserable, but really really uncomfortable. The last mile I actually walked. I didn't feel great and I decided I was moving and that's all that mattered.
When I returned to our meet up spot everyone was soaking wet. It looked like we all jumped in to a pool. It was that bad. The Bird actually made me sit on the dog's towel on the way home cause girlfriend was so freaking sweaty/wet. Haha.
I was starving during and after the run so we went to Panera bread. I typically don't drink ANYTHING but water but I ordered a sprite I wanted to get some sugar in me fast and I ordered some low cal breakfast sandwich. It was heavenly. I felt so much better. I honestly don't remember the drive home because I was still out of it. When I got home I actually debated taking a nap or a shower. Truth,  I hate naps. I don't want my workouts to interfere with my entire day but I was spent. And that I even thought about skipping a shower to nap tells you how beat I was.
I ended up taking a shower. As I lifted my arms to give the ol' arms pits a washing I made a terrible squeal. I hoped out of the shower dripping to see what was wrong and under both arms pits I chaffed pretty bad. The freaking, cheap ass tank top ripped into my arm pits. I never had that happen before. I mean I chafed but not to where it hurt. And I always wear glide but I've never had to wear it on my arms pits so this was all new and it sucked.
(Oh by the way, since my husband pointed it out no I don't have hairy arm pits. What you see is from my shirt)
I took the most unrelaxing, unfulfilling shower because anytime the water hit my arms pits it really hurt. Honestly, my shower looked kinda like this...
I stood away from the water and just splashed my self. Ha.
After my oh so refreshing shower... I hopped in bed and took a 4 hour nap!!!!!
I woke up with this worst migraine. I mean it was bad. I ended up texting the Bird and she hinted at at being dehydrated and needing more salt. No lie I stood in my kitchen and drank 6 glasses of water back to back. I was that thirsty!!!! And what do you know? The headache started to fade.
Thanks Bird!
In case you were wondering here was yesterday's weather
We started our 14 mile HILLY ass run with 93% humidity by the time we finished it was down to around 80 but temperature rose.
1. I only ate a piece of toasted Ezekiel bread with cheese for breakfast, next time I'm going to eat a whole wheat bagel. I believe the carbs in a bagel slowly release throughout a run and it will help stabilize my energy.
2. Even if its only 14 miles I am taking two Gu or one Gu but some other form of subsistence for when my sugar drops.
3. I am not sure how to do this but because of the heat the water is always warm regardless if you fill your bottle with ice. I need to figure out how to keep it cold. I am also investing in two more Nathan bottles so I wont run out of water again.
4. I will continue to take salt sticks every hour with the heat.
5. I will lay out all my clothes prior to the run.
I actually hurt worse during this run then my marathon. At mile 13 I could feel like legs cramping up and I was ready for this to be over. Now that my shins are healed I am going to start working on my "foundation" and building my miles back up. I am going to really try to hit the hills and do exercises to help me with them since this course is going to be hilly...yay.
Although it was a miserable run I took a lot out of the experience and it will help prepare me for my next 26.2.
My advice to runners, always think about what made a bad run a bad run and figure out how you can improve it.
That information is really priceless and it will help you!


  1. I had a horrible run yesterday too. I still hurt so much I am a tad worried I am getting sick.

  2. My long run this weekend was bad too! What about taking your first gu at 4 instead of 6? And then gu 2 around 10?

  3. I am debating when to take them!!! I never had this problem. I have been eating oats every morning to make sure I getting my good carbs. I ordered another water bottle for my belt. This weekend im doing another 14 miler and I am thinking about taking 2 gus on the run. Maybe one before the run and one at mile 6? Or maybe just what you said. What would you recommend. Im new to gu!
