Since I have been inching my miles back up I thought I would attempt the sweetwater 50 volunteer run. Of course, my goal was to make 20 miles and not run the entire thing. Anyway, it was awesome. I was rather exhausted as the hubs and I got in the night before at 11 from NOLA and promptly woke at 6 to go on my longest run. If that ain't rogue than I don't know what is ;)
I ran with the girls. Three ultras that focus on having a good time and really listen to their bodies. Exactly what I needed. We ran the yellow trail twice which was pretty cool cause I never saw ran it before. Johnny, the Rogue President scared the shit out of me. He being speedy ran ahead. No lie, he found a ditch and covered himself in leaves, fully camouflaged. When lee and I jogged by him he jumped out and seriously scared the hell out of me I grabbed on to the straps of my camel pack cause obviously that would save me.
After that it was a jog-walk type of deal. If you can jog to the top of the world and the wall (which I know people that can) well you my friends are saints! It was slow but perfect for me. I'm not a trail runner so even though I may not have been jogging the entire time I was pushing myself.
Check out the elevation we ran...
One thing I learned about is after about ten trail miles I was starving! Omg, when we stopped back at the aide station I scarfed down like 100 pretzel m&ms and a ton of frittos.
Oh, one thing the girls were kind enough to share with me were the S-Caps. Wow. they did wonders. After the run I didn't have ANY salt on my face which was a miracle. I just bought a bottle for my marathon. I think they are going to be a life saver.
Speaking of life savers. I told one of my friends about my little running issue I get at mile 8 and she told me to take prevacid before I jog and you know what? I didn't have one problem the entire time. Yay!
Ok, back to the run. Around mile 10 we made are way to the top of the world and the sun just started beaming on us. Apparently it got into the 80s. Knowing it was going to be bitch we all hid out camel backs and only carried a water bottle with us. We didn't want the extra weight going up those hills. It was a great idea. However, by the time we were making our way down from the top of the world I could feel myself start to crash. I needed more water, and calories.
I think going down the hill was worse than going up it. Seriously its not worth it to me to get hurt.
So we made our way down slowly.
One thing I was grateful for were the creeks. Literally we would all just stand in them letting the cool water soak our feet. It felt soooooo good. My nice new white brooks like shit but it was worth it.
I didn't have a watch or anything clocking my time on me. Kiersten had her garmen but I didn't ask her about distance or time. I didn't care how long it took. I just wanted to hit 20 and have a good time.
So we ended up being out there 7 hours total but only 5.5 were moving ha. So obviously we sat a little. But the thing is I was in the zone not focused on anything and it didn't feel like 7 hours at all. It was awesome. It was exactly what I needed...
When we decided toss in the towel we had gone 21 miles. I was rather excited about this more so days later. Just like with my first half marathon things don't phase me after long runs. Im just like, thats cool.
I thought I was in hell the next day. Albino here didn't where sun screen and got a nice burn and omg, my joints were hurting. Luckily, the girls had me meet them at Clinton for a 3 miles walk. Honestly that walk helped tremendously. When I woke up I had to walk sideways down the stairs my because legs were so tight. During the walk I felt the top of my right calve spasm a few times but overall I think I got all the kinks out.
Needless to say I am satisfied with this new accomplishment and I really, really enjoyed it (Thank God.)
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