Thursday, August 8

This Weeks Workout

I actually didn't work out as much as I wanted this week. I took two days off since my husband who has been working like a mad man and had a break. So here is what I accomplished this week.
Oh and I start my workout week on Saturdays. :)
Saturday, August 3
12 miles completed in 2:03. I felt awesome up till the last 20 minutes and I got a cramp and goose bumped. I ran the entire way minus the killer hill at the very end.

Can you see where I had to walk?
Average 10:15 mile which is AWESOME for me. My average pace has been 12:45.
So there is improvement.
Sunday, August 4
4x25 ball crunches with 15 lbs.
4x25 row tricep kick backs
100 oblique crunches each side
3x1 minute plank
3x15 modified push ups- they were hard
2x10 single leg deadlift (new)
2x10 side lying leg lift (new)
5x15 tricep bench arm dips (i'm in love)
2x50 scissor sit ups
2 min back arm circles
2x15 bicep curls 10 lbs.
2x20 glute flutter kicks (sucked)
Monday, August 5
11:36 mile
right below my calves really hurt
11:40 mile
Thursday, August 8
15 min x 7:30 switch 10 minute mile
50 ball crunches 15 lbs.
3x30 skull crushers 15 lbs.
3x30 flutter kicks (new)
2:30 front arm circles
3x1 minute wall sit
3x10 modified push ups
100 oblique sit ups
2x30fire hydrant (new)
130 bicep curls 5lbs
2x25 tricep bench dips
Hodge podge mile final time 10:02
Overall all I'm happy with my workout this
week. I wish I got one more day in. I really expected to get several miles in on Monday but my body told me no and I listened.
 I ran on some beat shoes and they really pained my shins.  I am hoping to start building my mileage back in the next week or so after I seriously baby them. I'm taking it easy right now..
Next week, since I'm only doing short runs, I think I'm gong to try and extend my "fast time" by 30 seconds so I will walk 1 minute at a 15 minute pace and then run at a 7:30 pace for a minute and a half. I really, really have enjoyed doing these intervals and I feel like it is really making my heart strong. I am not getting winded up on street runs.
I also need to invest in more weights. The only set I have is 5lbs. 5 libs is not going to help me real my goal.
Little by little I'm seeing changes.