I missed my big run this weekend. But I'm not beating myself up over it like I have in the past. I did a ton of cardio and cross trained so even though I didn't run distance I feel great about what I did do.
Being iced in I had two days off midweek. Apparently my dog LOVES snow and being the most awesome dog mom ever I took him on as many walks as possible since he may not see snow or ice for awhile.
In between all the walks I did:
30 minutes on the elliptical
2x 20 squats
2x 1.5 minute planks (omg, I'm working on cute routine- coming soon)
3x 10 second super mans
3x 100 crunches
3x 100 bird dogs
3x 20 heel raises off a bar
I did these two days in a row. I linked up the superman and bird dogs (just in case you don't know what they are). One thing I need to focus on during the next 2 months in strengthening my lower back. I have realized if this area is not strong then it literally feels like my ass is 200 pounds and I'm dragging when it comes to hills.
On Saturday I ran 6 miles at an 11 minute pace using the 3-1 interval system. I did everything above minus the elliptical and I added about 40 squats.
On Sunday, I wanted to do 6 miles but my were legs to fatigue from the day before. Since my heart rate was up I decided to work on some other muscles:
6x 50 crunches
2x 50 scissor sit up thingys
2x 25 skull crushers (my favorite)
2x 25 triceps curls
Overall, I have felt pretty good post workout. After every.single.workout I take an Epsom Salt Bath, ice and elevate. I have also started foam rolling.
Although I don't think my foam roller is really foam.
But whatever it is made of I have decided to use it after every single work out from now on. If its suppose to help prevent injury well gosh darn it i'm on board.
How was your week?
Do you foam roll? Does it help in the long run or am I torturing myself for fun?
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